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Top of 15 - 9,047ft

Current Conditions

7/27/24 12:45 AM (-07:00)
Updated Every 15 Minutes
Temp 53.3 °F   4.7
RH 47 %   4
Dew Pt 33.5 °F   6.6
Wet Bulb 44.2 °F   4.8
Wind Dir WSW | 256 °
Wind Spd 6.4 mph   3.9
Wind Gust 15.6 mph   12.0
Daily Max Wind 29.4 mph   4.5
Time of Max Wind 0220
Max Wind Dir WNW | 292 °
Daily Max Temp 68.8 °F   0.4
Time of Max Temp 1210
Daily Min Temp 53.1 °F   4.0
Time of Min Temp 0035
Yest MinT 57.0 °F
Yest MaxT 68.4 °F
Yest MaxGst 33.9 mph
Calm: 0.0%
Calm: 0.0%