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Latest Observations


5 Minute Data

June Mid Mtn Chalet - 8,689ft

Current Conditions

7/27/24 1:30 AM (-07:00)
Updated Every 15 Minutes
Temp 55.5 °F   6.2
RH 49 %   16
Dew Pt 36.5 °F   4.5
Wet Bulb 46.5 °F   0.4
Wind Dir SE | 132 °
Wind Spd 17.2 mph   10.3
Wind Gust 28.9 mph   14.1
Daily Max Wind 40.3 mph   21.9
Time of Max Wind 0124
Max Wind Dir SE | 132 °
Barometric Press 29.77 inHg   0.15
Daily Min Temp 55.4 °F   3.8
Time of Min Temp 0118
Daily Max Temp 56.1 °F   6.8
Time of Max Temp 0101
Yest MinT 46.6 °F
Yest MaxT 72.3 °F
Yest MaxGst 47.6 mph

June Base Tx Office - 7,581ft

Current Conditions

7/27/24 1:30 AM (-07:00)
Updated Every 15 Minutes
Temp 61.4 °F   7.2
RH 41 %   18
Dew Pt 37.8 °F   2.8
Wet Bulb 49.4 °F   1.6
Wind Dir S | 169 °
Wind Spd 5.2 mph   3.5
Wind Gust 11.9 mph   7.6
Daily Max Wind 23.5 mph   18.1
Time of Max Wind 0102
Max Wind Dir E | 94 °
Barometric Press 29.77 inHg   0.34
Daily Min Temp 61.2 °F   8.3
Time of Min Temp 0124
Daily Max Temp 62.1 °F   5.9
Time of Max Temp 0105
Yest MinT 42.8 °F
Yest MaxGst 27.5 mph
Yest MaxT 77.4 °F